the Little Red Reviewer

American Elsewhere, GIVEAWAY!

Posted on: February 13, 2013

Thanks to the wonderful folks at Orbit Books, I have an extra copy of Robert Jackson Bennett’s supernatural thriller (and mind blowing masterpiece)  AMERICAN ELSEWHERE.

I absolutely loved AMERICAN ELSEWHERE, you can read my review here, and you can read an excerpt from the book over here at Orbit.

Rules for the give away:

1. to enter, comment on this post.  when you sign in to comment, make sure you leave me your e-mail address, or a twitter, or some other way to get a hold of you.

2. give away is open to all residents of planet Earth. Orbit was kind enough to send me 2 copies of this book, the least I can do is pay for some shipping someone else can enjoy this amazing novel.

3. give away closes at midnight, eastern time, on Tuesday February 19th, and the winner will be announced and contacted shortly afterwards.

4. be warned.  this book will completely blow your mind.  I am not responsible if you get absolutely no sleep while you are reading this book, are late to work, or generally ignore your family while reading.


22 Responses to "American Elsewhere, GIVEAWAY!"

Thanks very much for this giveaway. Heard many great things about this book so far. @PaperlessRead


A giveaway you say? Science Fiction you say? Sign me up, I say!


This book looks very interesting, sign me up please 🙂


Pick me! Whoop whoop! Apk5hw located at gmail dot com


Science fiction? Recommended by you? Free stuff? Iiiiiiiiinteresting … 😀


Darnit, forgot contact info. @EffingRainbow


RJB is an excellent writer. The Troupe was my book of 2012 so can’t wait for this!


Count me in. You know where I live.


I’ve been looking forward to this one form a while! Count me in. Email: gvngrn at earthlink dot net.


This book sounds amazing! I haven’t read a really good thriller in a while, your review had me captivated. I want to read a book and say, “Holy shit” at the end. LOL


Giveaway? Wooo! Sign me up please! scathach.threenerds @


Count me in please. You know I WANT this book. Haha – not that long to wait now anyway.
And, you’re not allowed to have rule No.4 – it’s totally your fault if I lose sleep (or maybe it’s my maniac dog’s fault). Anyway, it’s somebody’s fault!!
Lynn 😀


Got the ebook but would love to have a print copy on my shelf. @arrhyth_mia


Sounds interesting! Count me in, please!


I’m in, this book has me interested. (@Alxj)


This book looks great! Thanks for your review and the giveaway.
kessna6 at gmail dot com


Nice review of American Elsewhere. Definitely on my to read list. Would love a copy @petersnede


I have just stumbled over your blog? If that’s the right word, seems somehow lacking with the amount of information on here. I think it is quite fortuitous that I found you at this very moment since you are doing a worldwide giveaway. Although to be honest I think I will be enjoying your reviews and musings regardless of whether I receive what appears to be a very good piece of sci-fi or not as the case may be. American Elsewhere is definitely on my to-read list.


I really, really need to start reading me some Bennett so I’m in!


This book sounds fantastic, I’d love to read it! Thanks for sponsoring the give-away!


trully want to read this novel…….read everything this guy has written and he derserves a wider audience


Sounds like an interesting read…so count me in:)


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some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.