the Little Red Reviewer

Archive for the ‘typewriters’ Category

Hello friends!  Not only am I a book nerd, but I also run with a crowd of typewriter nerds!  This casual group of Michigan typewriter collectors and fans meets a handful a times a year to play with different typewriters, share tips for maintenance and repair, drool over each other’s machines,  welcome new faces, and enjoy each other’s company.


Last Saturday we had a Type-In at New Holland Brewing’s Knickerbocker restaurant in Grand Rapids, MI.   The reason I didn’t get a ton of photos?  I was enjoying amazing beer, their great menu, and the wonderful ambience of the restaurant. If you’ve never had New Holland  Beer, I highly recommend, and if you’re in the Grand Rapids area, their brewpub is all around fantastic.  They let us take over a fantastic well lit space, and as always at our Type-Ins, anyone who is floating around is welcome to type on the typewriters and see what these mechanical marvels are all about.  We had a whole group of 20-somethings and their parents stop by, the parents had fond memories of learning to type in school, and their children were asking where the backspace was.

This was one of our most successful Type-Ins, lots of new faces, a huge variety of machines of different eras and colors, and a number of international machines. Along with my little black Remette, I took some fun pattered scrapbooking paper to put through the machines. I’ve been having fun recently, seeing what kinds of different materials will go through the machines (it’s like Will It Blend? but not),  I’ve done wrapping paper, magazine advertisements, maybe I’ll do aluminum foil or parchment paper next?

this square piece of paper was just begging to be put into the machine on a diagonal!


To check out more photos, and more detailed information about this even, head over to my friend Bill’s site for part 1 and part 2.   While I was chugging beer, he was taking all the good photos. Bill is a true typewriter aficionado!


Here are some more pictures I took.

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Hey friends, it’s been a while.   I’ve been reading, I’ve been doing, just haven’t been doing anything worthwhile on the interwebs. While all ya’ll were out getting your ten thousand steps and playing PokemonGo, I’ve been sitting on my butt playing Candy Crush and reading dumb stuff on Buzzfeed.


But, I did get some reading done, and got some beautiful new books.

necessary evil

I finished reading Necessary Evil, by Ian Tregillis, and wow, what a punch to the guts! This book, what the characters go through, just wow.  when I do get around to writing the review, be warned, there will be plenty of spoilers. So much crazy stuff happens at the end of book 2, and this 3rd book in the series is such an emotional juggernaut that I’m gonna have spoil stuff that happens in book 2 and spoil some stuff that happens in book 3 to write a halfway decent review.  If you’ve read the entire trilogy, you know exactly what I’m talking about.


I was head over heels for N.K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season last year, so I’m super excited to read the next book in this series (duology? trilogy? open ended? I have no idea), The Obelisk Gate.  I loved the worldbuilding of the first book, I loved the “twist” about the main characters, although it wasn’t much of a twist, maybe more a creative way of presenting information?  I liked the little boy who ate rocks.  As soon as I’m done with current read, this is mostly likely the book I’ll pick up next.

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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.