the Little Red Reviewer

Archive for the ‘SFSignal’ Category

well, I’m off to ConText, in Columbus OH.  electronic gizmos have been charged, car has been washed and gassed up. Friends will be met, new friends will be made,  books will be drooled upon and purchased (you drool on it, you buy it). Also, there will be beer. Copious quantities of beer.

While I’m enroute to C’bus, you should totally enjoy my latest Convention Attention post over at SFSignal!  Con curious?  Want to go to one but aren’t sure what to expect? Not sure if there are any near you? The goal of this series of columns is to shed some light on what Cons are all about and what happens there. And hey, if you’re at one in the MidWest, and you see a short redhead running around, give a good loud shout of “Andrea!” and see if she turns around. 😉

Michael deLuca, Alastair Reynolds, Howard Andrew Jones, Brian McClellan, Saladin Ahmed

Michael deLuca, Alastair Reynolds, Howard Andrew Jones, Brian McClellan, Saladin Ahmed at ConFusion, 2013

apologies in advance if your comments get stuck in moderation. Blog, e-mail, and twitter access will be limited for me this weekend.


Today I’m over at SFSignal talking about Conventions. It’s a new column over there, Convention Attention!

oh, also, this.

btw, this is just the beginning of a kick-ass awesome week. stay tuned!

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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.