the Little Red Reviewer

Archive for the ‘C.A. Fletcher’ Category

So,  I’ll give you the same “spoilers” that I gave my friends in my book club:


This book is really, really, good.  Like, might be one of my favorite books that I read this year kind of good.


There is a really cool character named John.


Also, Maps!  There is a map in the book!  But it’s no good anymore, because the seas have risen just enough to move the shoreline.  So where the map says there is a harbor?  The harbor doesn’t look like that anymore!


Omg, so much cool stuff in this book!!!


Ok,  other very, very minor spoilers ahead.


Have you read A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World?  If you leave spoilers in the comments I will delete your comment and then say very mean things about you.


For those you who read this last year, and have been wondering what the hell took me so long, you were right! This book is awesome!  I’m sorry it took me so long.


Ready?  Let’s go.

It’s seems to be a year for me to read post apocalyptic stuff?  Yeah, I didn’t plan that either. A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World takes place one or two generations after what people called “the gelding”.  We don’t know what caused it, within a generation or two, humanity was near extinction. Hardly anyone could have kids. Some people think it was caused by pollution, some people think it was a bio-weapon,  some people think it was from something sprayed in the air. (Huh, maybe Mother Nature is an introvert, and she finally had enough of this loud AFparty that she couldn’t ghost?)


A line from the beginning of the book:


In my whole life, I haven’t met enough people to make up two teams for a game of football. The world is that empty


This is a post- apocalyptic world, but  the sun is still shining, you can still fish and hunt and do some basic farming,  many places are still safe, and although the weather is warmer, it is still bearable.   What this is, is a silent world. A world that no longer has a need for humans. All that silence? It was kinda refreshing, actually.

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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.