the Little Red Reviewer

While Red is away . . .

Posted on: May 25, 2012

ppssst! yeah, you there!

Red is away for the weekend, and imma gonna give away a bunch of her stuff! ok, not a bunch, more like a handful of verygoodbooks that she doesn’t have room for.

look for new give aways all weekend, enter yourself in the drawing by leaving a comment.

today’s give away is a gently read copy of Nancy Kress’s wonderful post apocalyptic novella After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall. blunt and heartbreaking, this is the kind of story that sticks with you. See Red’s review here.

look like something you might be interested in? Read the give away rules before, and get your entry in!

Teh rules:
– you can only enter once in each give away, but you are highly encouraged to enter in more than one!
– Give aways are open to all residents of Earth, keeping in mind that shipping outside the US takes a little longer.
– all give aways in this weekend series will close on Friday, June 1.

22 Responses to "While Red is away . . ."

As you well know, I already have this so I am not wanting to be entered. I did want to stop by and tell you to have a wonderful weekend! Hope it is restful and magical.


Oh, I would definitely like to enter. The story is very intriguing.


This looks like such a great book! I’ll enter. 🙂


One of the things I love about this blog is that it feeds my ever growing “things to read” list. Also, one of the problems with this blog is that it feeds my “things to read” list… 😉 This is one that went straight on the list when I saw your review.


The best thing about this blog is that it feeds my ever growing “things to read” list. Also, the problem with this blog is that it feeds my “things to read” list. 😉 This is one that definitely went on the list when I read your review.
(Sorry if this is a duplicate, btw– I think my comment got eaten when I went to log in, but there’s always a chance it didn’t…)


I’ll enter too 🙂


I’m strutting in. Does it make a worthy entrance?
I have always had a fascination with post-apocalyptic stories – that mesh of surviving technology and the ignorance due to catastrophic loss grabs my attention every time.


Add me to the give-away. Your review got me to add this one to my TBR list.


I quite fancied it when I saw the review, couldn’t find a copy in the bookshop though. Count me in!


I definitely want to read that book. Count me in!


You’re review sold me on the book. Count me in on the give-away.


Remember this one from somewhere, yes, please.


Howdie, count me in.
Lynn 😀


Count me in as well. The book sounds interesting.


Pick me! Pick me!

OK, this is my entry. 🙂


I loved your review, it sounded very exciting. I’m in!


I have been hearing lots of good things about this book. Count me in!


Great giveaway, thanks!


Oo me me me! I love Beggars in Spain and this looks awesome!


I am interested. Please enter me. Thanks.


I saw some awesome reviews for this one! I’d love to be entered for it 🙂


[…] was gone for a few days, and someone started giving away some of my Very Good Books?  As much as I love getting and receiving VeryGoodBooks, it’s also great to share […]


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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.