the Little Red Reviewer

Vintage Sci Fi Month closing ceremonies

Posted on: January 31, 2012

Wow, what a month we’ve had!  Wow, what a month YOU’VE had!

Teh Vintage Science Fiction not-a-challenge was more successful than I could have ever imagined it would be.  That little red badge was plastered all over the place,  twitter was on fire, and occurring at the same time as the Science Fiction Experience at Stainless Steel Droppings didn’t hurt much either.  We revived a love for pulp fiction, golden age dreaming, alien invasions, time travel, and true Vintage science fiction stories that were written as follies of the imagination before the year 1900.  We met the forefathers and foremothers of the stories that would be come the genres that enrich our lives so much.

ten-plus bloggers, over 25 authors read, and over 30 Vintage titles, including a radio show!  Ladies and Gentlemen, you rocked this out!  Massive thanks and shout outs to Blue Fairy’s Bookshelf, The Written World, Geeky Daddy, The Edwardian Adventurer, Dark Cargo, Snake Oil Review, Stainless Steel Droppings, Beyond the Brush, Books Without any Pictures, Lynn’s Book Blog, Science Fiction Times, Stories Geek, and Geek Banter !

There was so much going on, I couldn’t even keep track of it all, and my promises to comment on everyone’s reviews went unfulfilled. (note to self:  next time, read less books, and comment on more posts!!)

15 Responses to "Vintage Sci Fi Month closing ceremonies"

Thank you so much for hosting! I had a great time. I still need to visit more of the reviews myself, time just flew by so fast.


you and me both. I could spent hours reading everyone’s posts, and then I’d look at the page again, and four more would have shown up!


I am glad you had a successful month! I agree, though, I did see the red badge all over the place. 🙂


big red badges do like to be all over the place. 😉


Thanks for hosting – it was a great ‘non challenge’. I only did the three books in the end but the thing about taking part in something like this is it makes you think more about your book choices.
(Would now be the right time to suggest you run a similar Fantasy month? LOL)
Lynn 😀


LOL Lynn, I am so gonna smack you! 😉 but I do have something cooking in the fantasy dept. . .and I think you will like it!


I am glad that you hosted this great event. I was able to 4 books toward in this “not a challenge.” Like I told you before I found more amazing authors that I am able to pick from if I am wondering who I should read next. You did a great job with the hosting, reviewing, and the author bios throughout the month. I tip my hat to you Andrea.


just goes to show how much of an anal-retentive planner I am. everytime I was at the bookstore, I’d pick up another Vintage title or two. I still have a half dozen that I never got to. the author bios were way more fun than I expected! I’m most happy that so many people were reading so many different authors and plenty that I’d never heard of.


I sure enjoyed living vicariously through your blog for a month!


I am SO bummed. I didn’t even get 1 book up during the month, though I do have one coming up Friday. I have plenty of these books, but was in the middle of a huge mystery short story collection and it took forever to finish. So, I’m sorry I didn’t get anything read, reviewed and up for the month, but keep and eye out this coming Friday and the one after that for two oldies by Arthur C. Clarke.


Thanks for hosting! It was neat to read books that I otherwise wouldn’t have gotten to and to discover new works of old sci-fi!


by the way, if I forgot anyone in the shout out above, please let me know so I can get you up there!


I was happy to participate! I just wish I could have got through another book or two, but returning to school was *slightly* more important.


Thank you for hosting such a fun event. I usually lean heavily towards classic science fiction at the start of the year and this helped keep me even more motivated and excited to do so. As usual my eyes were larger than the amount of time I could devote to reading and I didn’t get as much read as I wanted to, but I did really enjoy what I read. I have two books yet to review for the not-a-challenge that I hope to have up soon and will of course link to them despite their lateness.

You did a wonderful job with all the author focus and everything else. I hope you do it again next year, I for one will be along for the ride.


I think I will do this one again next year, as I got through less than half of the Vintage titles I’ve purchased over the last year, and I had a total blast with the whole thing. We’ll see how many times I can do this, and not repeat an author!


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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.