the Little Red Reviewer

don’t give Mountain Dew to a baby goat*

Posted on: August 1, 2012

Feeling a little burned out this week, haven’t even started writing up my reviews for Sharps by K.J. Parker or Dust Girl by Sarah Zettel, haven’t responded to comments, haven’t really done anything.  Currently reading Orbital Resonance, by John Barnes, and I really wish I could remember the context of the conversation where someone recommended that book to me.

Took 4 books for trade in at the used bookstore, somehow came home with 5. So much for culling the book collection.

anywho, my lack of motivation and book retail therapy aside, there’s some pretty sweet stuff happening in the blogosphere this week. Consider this a Friday fun post, except it ain’t Friday.

Everyone has signed for Justin’s mega awesome debut authorpalooza giveaway over on Staffer’s Musings, right? There is some ridiculous awesomeness happening over there these days.

Madeline Ashby’s debut novel, vN, comes out this week. Wanna try it before you buy it? No prob, has an excerpt. Also, Cory Doctorow thought it was pretty awesome.

ok, who gave Buttermilk the baby goat Mountain Dew again?

All the TEDTalks available as podcasts in a handy dandy spreadsheet.

Love Buffy the Vampire Slayer? the wonderful folks over at Rogue Demon Hunters are podcasting it, one episode at a time. Starting with the movie of course, they’ve even got an interview with Kristy Swanson!

and speaking of podcasting, I nearly drove off the road because I was laughing so hard. Shaun and Jen over at Skiffy and Fanty Show could survive Battlefield Earth as part of their Torture Cinema series, but having to watch and review Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1 may have broken them forever.

I’m getting a little addicted to Starship Sofa

if you like umiboshi in your onigiri, raise your hand.

*and yes, I know no one gave that baby goat any Mountain Dew, that’s just how kids are.

9 Responses to "don’t give Mountain Dew to a baby goat*"

That may be the very best headline ever — and the video lives up to it. Buttermilk saved my day before it even started.


I agree this sure is an interesting made me laugh. 🙂 I would like to thank you for recommending Star Ship Sofa. I am happy in the blogosphere there are SF geeks like me.


Loved the title of your post.

It’s been one of those weeks for me too. I almost bought “vN” to make my week better, but ended up going with N. K. Jemisin’s “The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms” instead.


And of course my first thought from the title was “Why not?”. I felt the need to come to the defense of Mt. Dew, which is odd considering I don’t drink pop anymore. I think if I actually went out and downed a Dew I’d probably go into a sudden coma!

Glad you are enjoying Starship Sofa. I’ve heard so many good things and yet for me it is always the whole “time” thing, which I never seem to have enough of, even when multi-tasking on top of my multi-tasking.

I’ve been looking forward to vN since your review of it. Thanks for the release date reminder.


Hey Red! Haven’t been by to “see” you in a while. Busy with summertime. Looks like you’re reading –and reviewing–great stuff! Brust ranks right up at the top for me.


‘Culling the book collection’? What heresy is this? 🙂
I do not like umeboshi in my onigiri, for the record.


ha, it’s the heresy of there simply isn’t any room left in my apartment. Soon I’m going to have to start hiding books in the freezer.

ok, so no umeboshi. What are some other yummy and easy options for onigiri fillings? canned tuna? cucumber?


I like seaweed or okaka in mine (I know ‘okaka’ sounds terrible, but it’s just bonito flakes with soy sauce). Tuna and salmon are good too. People put all kinds of weird stuff in onigiri now.
I hear you about the lack of room. I am going to end up in some kind of book labyrinth in a couple more years. I mean months.


cool, I’ll have to try that, thanks! 🙂


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