the Little Red Reviewer

Currently on the reading and TBR pile

Posted on: September 25, 2016

It’s been a fun week!  reading something dark, something fantastical and unexpectedly funny, and something unputdownable that also made me think. Good times!

I really enjoyed Teresa Frohock’s Los Nefilim, and I’ve had her Miserere on my bookshelf for at least a year.  This is one that I’m slowly savoring. Gorgeous visuals, broken characters, and wow is it grim. Not grimdark, but dark and grim. If this book had a soundtrack it would be deep cello and percussion, very low pitched with lots of sustained vibrations that you feel before you realize you’re hearing them. But you’d need something sunny in there , because reasons and those sunset sherbet visuals. Maybe clarinet?



On the opposite end of the spectrum is The Starlit Wood, a new anthology of retold and reinvented fairy tales.  When hubby saw me reading it, the first thing he asked was “so, it’s like Snow White, Blood Red?” (edited by Datlow and Windling), and i said it was sorta like that, that each story is a take on a different fairy tale, but this new one is way more modern and the first few stories I read (I read them out of order) had me laughing my head off, which was a nice surprise!   Review coming soon!  But in the meantime, if you like to be entertained, and you like fairy tales,  this is a book you should watch for!




I netgalleyed Faller,  Will McIntosh’s forthcoming novel (dude, I still have nightmares about Soft Apocalypse, I can NOT believe I bought a bamboo plant!).  Not only did I have to refamiliarize myself with how netgalley works, but I also had to remember how to use my kindle.  I can’t really talk about this book yet, but erm, I got the file last week, and I’ve already finished the book.


I also acquired a novel called Red Rising, that came out a while ago, but it’s a trilogy and the 3rd  book is coming out pretty soon. It was described to me as “kinda YA-ish, but really good”. It’s the October book for my local SciFi bookclub, so we shall see!


So, that’s what I’ve been up to recently.  how about you?



11 Responses to "Currently on the reading and TBR pile"

I recently listened to Red Rising the the second book, Golden Son. THe third is already out, and I have it downloaded. The first 2 books have been brilliant, some of my favorite reads of the year. Mars terraforming plus Roman mythology and an ingrained caste system. I think you will really like this intense book.


“Mars terraforming plus Roman mythology”

stop there, cuz I”m hooked!

Liked by 2 people

I have Faller to read as well and I can’t wait to get to it. Huge fan of Will McIntosh!


Coincidently (ha) my current reading is up on my blog, as it is every Monday. Try Feel free, anyone, to share what you’re reading.


and yes, it’s all mystery fiction this time, but it isn’t always.


I took a detour from SF to try some historical fiction. It made me eager to dive back into SF.

Red Rising looks intriguing. I look forward to your review!


Have read some Will McIntosh in the past and liked his writing. On my TBR list I have added some of the DAW Tanith Lee Reprints. I loved these books in the 70’s. Am right now reading The Graduals by Christopher Priest.


I have been meaning to check out Will McIntosh. Really must do that!


I really like the cover on Miserere.I was tempted to buy it just for that, but didn’t get around to it.


I’ve been intrigued by that cover since I first saw it a few years ago. You start reading the book, and suddenly understand the look of anguish on the man’s face.


I really liked Miserere – in fact I just like Teresa Frohock and I think the cover for Miserere is so good.
I’m really enjoying the Red Rising trilogy – I’ve read the first two and I just need to get to the third and see how it all concludes.
Love the sound of the anthology too.
Happy reading.
Lynn 😀


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some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.