the Little Red Reviewer

Graduation Day

Posted on: May 6, 2016

I’m sure by now, most of you have heard about this.

And this.

I’ve made a few public comments, I’ve sent a number of private e-mails. My brain processes this kind of stuff very slowly. And these announcements especially have been a challenge for me to process, because I’m not sure how to categorize them. Retirement? Loss? Like a friend moving away? Like a party ending? Graduation and everyone scattering? All of the above?  So much feels.

But the overwhelming emotions I am feeling right now are gratitude and responsibility.

I have so much gratitude for John, JP, Kristin, and everyone else at SFSignal who took a chance on me. They gave me a place and welcomed my sometimes weird voice. Thanks to SFSignal, I’ve gained other opportunities I otherwise would never have had. Opportunities became stepping stones, which became introductions, which became other opportunities. SFSignal is where I *became*, if that makes any sense. It’s where I blossomed. We all throw around the word community, and the phrase the SFF Community. I didn’t know what that word meant, until SFSignal.

So, gratitude. I wouldn’t be the person I am without SFSignal.

The biggest, best, and least talked about opportunity I had through SFSignal was being able to pay it forward. New author I’m excited about? New short fiction magazine that’s doing some cool stuff? Someone is editing an anthology I wish more people knew about? I could give those people a voice at SFSignal, through interviews, book reviews, columns, and Mind Melds. I could make sure projects I believed in got a little more attention. Talented blogger? Let’s get them a column or a gig as a Mind Meld coordinator. A responsibility grew in me, a responsibility to pay it forward.  And maybe that’s how you know you’re part of the right community, part of the right online family – because everyone’s passions and positivity rub off on you. I wanted to be my best self for the people whose support and guidance helped me become who I am.  Also? it’s awesome to pay it forward.

When John and JP decided it was time to shut down SFSignal, what a lot of people heard was “goodbye”.

Underneath the sads, and the feels, and my exploding twitter feed, what I heard wasn’t “goodbye”, but “you’ve graduated”. Now I, and all the other SFSignal irregulars, get to take what we’ve learned to our other communities and online families. I blossomed at SFSignal. And now I’m full of seeds that can be planted anywhere.

Schools over.  It’s time to see what we’ve all learned.

And in case you’re wondering, I have no plans to go anywhere.  I’ve been a bit slow lately here at LRR, but I’m still here, quietly and happily doing my thing.

12 Responses to "Graduation Day"

This makes me sad.
I’m so glad to hear that you’re not going anywhere!
It still makes me feel sad though.
I have no more words for now.
Lynn 😀

Liked by 1 person

Well said, Andrea. This is a terrific way of looking at it. You really do get it.

And…::hugs::…this made me feel so happy and proud.

Thanks for being a huge part of SF Signal’s success.

Liked by 3 people

That is a beautiful way to look at it. There will be new opportunities and given the huge pool of talented bloggers out there, no doubt someone will step up to the plate. I’ve always been to stubborn to be completely drawn in by something as large as SF-signal (one foot in WWend, a toe in but I will certainly miss them.

Liked by 1 person

Glad to see you are sticking around!


[…] Andrea said on her own goodbye post , I Blossomed at SF Signal. Where that portion of my work will go, I don’t know. In the […]


Nice post and well said. I was shocked when I saw the news at SFSignal- it’s been a daily stop for me for a long time- and I’ll miss it. But I really like what you said about graduating- you’re right, all of us who enjoyed that site need to spread the love and help build the community. And you did pay it forward, so kudos for that.

And glad you’re sticking around. 🙂


“quietly and happily doing my thing”
And a very good thing it is.

I was trying to recall where I first discovered your blog. It was in a comment on Carl Anderson’s blog Stainless Steel Droppings, another blog that has all but faded away. Sometimes it seems there’s a rhythm to the comings and goings, a tide of blogs and people waxing and waning.

SF signal leaves a huge hole, one not to be quickly filled, the loss healed. I think to go there every day, then: “oh.”.

You’ve paid it, and it’s worked. Stay put, kiddo.


A great perspective on the SF Signal era ending. I plan on taking this to heart and stepping up my game. Thank you.


It was sad news hearing about SFSignal and then MyBookishWays, but I admire the outlook you are taking on the events, and much good your time at SFSignal was able to teach you.

Glad to hear you are not going anywhere though. Hopefully you’ll be able to show me another book like A Bride’s Story 🙂


I did get a peek at Bride’s Story volume 7, and it’s totally different from the earlier books, but I think it might be my favorite.

100% different story and artwork style, but another favorite manga of mine is Fullmetal Alchemist. Came out maybe 15 years ago? Very involved family drama with magic, guilt, politics, and what will you do for someone you loved and hurt?

Liked by 1 person

I own the entire Fullmetal Alchemist manga collection 🙂

Liked by 1 person

you are AWESOME!!!!


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