the Little Red Reviewer

One way to make Curry Rice

Posted on: September 30, 2015

A while back I got talking about my cookbook collection. The husband and I have been on an Asian food kick lately – Pakistani food, Thai Food, Malaysian curries, fancy Ramen, Chinese dumplings.  We’ve been exploring the joys of curries thanks to this cookbook:

curry cuisineand one of our favorites out of here is Japanese Curry Rice. I think I explained it to my parents as “imagine your favorite beef stew kicked up with curry spices and then served over rice. It’s not as spicy as it sounds”.  Well, I lied. it IS as spicy as it sounds. That’s what the rice is for.  Plain full-fat greek yogurt on the side is good for cooling your mouth down.

I called this blog post “One way to make Curry Rice” because I’m sure there are a million ways. This is our way,  slightly adapted from the Curry Cuisine recipe.



Ready for lots of badly lit photos of delicious food? Are you prepared to dirty every saucepan and measuring spoon in your kitchen? let’s go!

First things first, this curry has three components:  The curry roux, the stew, and the rice. The rice is pretty self explanatory, just make a pot of rice (not minute rice!!).   Also? My kitchen has  awful lighting, so while these photos might not look appetizing, the taste and smell was amazing.

Make the roux first. (yes, i realize i am using a French word for a Japanese dish. I’m over it)

You could take a shortcut and buy a box of Golden Curry Mix, which is brick of  dehydrated curry sauce that you just dissolve into your stew. We used it the first few times we made this dish.

golden curry mix

But, that stuff was too salty for me, and honestly the flavor was just ok. We roux’d the day we used this stuff (get it?).  Making your own roux means you can spice it to your own tastes, which in our case means way more ginger and no turmeric. The roux is kinda fun to make, too.

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Curry Roux

1 onion
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp Canola or Safflower oil (just don’t use olive oil. it’s too strongly flavored)
1 tbsp minced garlic
a shy tbsp minced ginger
1 tbsp curry powder*
4 tbsp all purpose flour
1 tbsp mango chutney
2 tbsp ketchup
2 tbsp soy sauce
black pepper

* Are you one of those people who doesn’t like curry powder? I was too. turns out, I did’t like some of the spices used in standard curry powder (looking at you turmeric!). There are plenty of recipes online to make your own curry powder. Make your own, and leave out what you don’t like. This is what goes into our curry powder:

hey, these are some of the same spices I use for pumpkin pie!

it’s like a mash-up of pumpkin pie and chili!

First step for the roux is getting your onions cooked down.  heat the oil and butter in a frying pan, and cook the onions over medium heat until they are browned and smell amazing, flipping and stirring them occasionally to prevent burning. Add more oil if the pan looks dry. it takes about a half hour, and when they are done, they’ll look like this:

Actually, these have another 10 minutes or so to go.

Actually, these have another 10 minutes or so to go.

While they onions are doing their yummy thing, measure out everything else you’ll need to finish the roux. The onions might take forever, but the last few minutes of making this is a mad dash to mix and stir quick enough.

– if making your own curry powder, do so now.
– combine the liquid ingredients of ketchup, soy sauce, and chutney. If you’ve got some sake in the fridge, go ahead and put a small splash in.
– measure out 4 tbsp of flour, put in some ground black pepper.

liquid sauce and flour, ready to go!

liquid sauce and flour, ready to go!

When the onions are done, stir in the minced garlic, ginger and curry powder. Keep stirring, and keep frying for a few more minutes. sprinkle in the flour, and stir all over the place until the flour is mixed in and all the oil is absorbed. Seriously, don’t stop stirring. if your flour burns, um, that’s really bad (not CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN bad, but still, bad). Dump in the ketchup mixture, and you guessed it, keep stirring.

"don't stop stirring" is the name of my next cover band.

“don’t stop stirring” is the name of my next cover band.

if you’ve done everything right (which you have), you’ll end up with a thick, brownish-reddish paste that rolls itself, Katamari-like up as your roll it around the edge of the pan with a spatula.

this smells better than it looks, i swear.

this smells better than it looks, i swear.

You’ve just made Curry Roux! Blop it into a heat proof saucepan and set it aside. you can ignore it for a while.

Now, let’s make the stew and the rice.

You’ll need
1 1/2 cups uncooked rice (short grain is traditional)

approx 1 lb stewing beef, cut into bit sized chunks.
1 onion – chunked
2 potatoes – cut into small chunks
4 carrots – cut into small chunks
1 leek – white & green parts only, cut into chunks
1 bay leaf
3 cups beef stock – the stuff in a jar or can is just fine.

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You’ll also need: the frying pan you made the roux in, and a big huge dutch oven or whatever big pot you usually make stove top stew or chilis in.

Start the rice going on a back burner. It’ll be done before everything else is, which is fine. Just turn the heat off, put the lid tightly onto the pot, and let your rice happily steam and chillax. (or whatever the hot version of chilling out is)

Cut up your meat and veggies, have everything ready to go before you start cooking. Brown the beef in the frying pan in about 1 tbsp oil + 1 tbsp butter.

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we didn’t even wash the pan out. because what, the beef is going to get curry roux flavoring on it? oh no!

In the large pot, start softening the onions in a little bit of oil. I don’t have a picture of this, because I was bad and didn’t have my veggies prepped. While hubby was browning beef, and peeling carrots, I was madly chopping potatoes, leeks and those carrots.

When the beef is browned, dump it into the big pot with the onions. add in all your chopped veggies, the broth, and the bay leaf. We may have added a splash of sake wine.

dinner in t-minus 25 minutes!

dinner in t-minus 30-ish minutes!

Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes, or until the beef is tender and the veggies are cooked through. See how big my carrot chunks are? you don’t want your that big. oops.

Remember that pot where you put the curry roux? you need it now. After the stew is done cooking, put the stew on simmer and ladle out 2 cups of liquid from the stew pot. Mix it into the roux until the roux dissolves.

This is why you add the liquid to the roux. We had our roux in a bowl, and blopped in into the boiling hot liquid, with then splattered everything. Awesome. #not

This is why you add the liquid to the roux. We had our roux in a bowl, and blopped the roux into the boiling hot stew liquid, which splattered everywhere. Awesome. #not


Hey, more stirring! who would have thought?

Hey, more stirring! who would have thought?

Stir your roux/liquid mix back into your stew pot. add in some more black pepper while you’re standing there. Bring the stew back to the boil, it will thicken slightly.

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Guess what? You’re done! You’ve worked hard! you chopped a lot of stuff up, and stirred your little heart out! Let’s enjoy some Curry Rice!



I hope it tastes good, because this makes 6-8 servings.

18 Responses to "One way to make Curry Rice"

I love using curry in my food and this recipe is a great excuse to eat curry yet again. It looks delicious!


You have just made you way onto my Pinterest recipe board! Yum! Can’t wait to try this.


Just got SO HUNGRY reading this. And it’s 8 AM here!


the leftovers were great for breakfast


Liked by 1 person

*insert guilt* I own this cookbook and haven’t opened it in the 5? 8? years since it arrived in the house. But – I do love spicy. I really appreciate your entry here – photos are help! Thanks for sharing!


open this cookbook! you’ll love the stuff in it! the instructions for the recipes are easy to understand, and nothing in this book is as complicated as it looks. This cookbook was the first time I felt comfortable trying to make my own curry paste.

I tend not to go for American style spicy (buffalo wings? gross!), but I can’t get enough Thai chilis or Szechuan peppercorns.

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Ohhh, that looks amazing. And here I am, already late to lunch, and this post is making me even hungrier 🙂


Sure looks complicated. Why not just buy a whole curry and grind it up, same as you would a tabor root? I bet I’d like what you made if I had it in the bowl.


a whole curry? do you mean a curry plant? I don’t know if you can grind that root up and have it work like curry powder. I’m super picky about the spices I like in curry, so if I mix my own I can get all the yummy stuff and none of the stuff I don’t like.


Digging about in the freezer a few days ago I realized we still had a turkey there from the “they’re cheap now, get an extra one for next summer or whenever” time last Thanksgiving.

So, we’re having a turkey dinner today, the whole spread, on Oct 2. It’s a small one, just 12 lb. but will give us leftovers. So, is there a great spicy dish recipe for left over turkey?


YUM!! Thanksgiving dinner anytime of year is the BEST!!!

i can’t think of any spicy recipes for leftover turkey off hand, but you could probably make some kinda spicy mayo for turkey sandwiches, or maybe put some hot peppers in a turkey waldorf salad. If you’re into fancy ramen, use the leftover turkey, and spice it up with sweet chili sauce and minced ginger. any of those sound appetizing?


I was thinking of spicy turkey soup kinda thing, with noodles. It was delicious last night with stuffing, mashed potatoes, broccoli bake (cheese!), and a cranberry cake for dessert. It was yum.

Liked by 1 person

I love curry rice. I cheat and use the Vermont Curry. The Vermont Curry is sweeter than Golden Curry. My favorite is chicken, mushroom, and spinach. Yum!


I could swear I left you a comment on this – saw your recipe whilst I was on holiday and liked the look of it very much (but let’s face it – I was relaxing and I’d probably had the odd glass of wine and forgot to press send!). I love ginger and cumin, also garam masala and fenugreek. Yum. My main problem with my cooking is that I tend to like certain spices or herbs and therefore over use them, which isn’t always the best idea! Still..
Lynn 😀


What with my being an avid cook of all things Asian (especially those that involve rice and spiciness), and seeing as how I’m a friggin’ anime blogger, you’d think I’d have made Japanese-style curry before, right? Or any curry.

Well, not after the way those sentence were going, obviously. But I’m still embarrassed I’ve never done it.



Curry is one of those things that looks hard to make but is actually crazy easy. and i love that you can spice it however you want. want me to e-mail you my recipe for super awesome (and easy!) fancy ramen?

Do you know the manga Oishinbo? it’s all about Japanese food.


Super awesome (and easy) fancy ramen!? YES PLEASE!

*bows down to thy awesomeness*

I hadn’t heard of Oishinbo, though I did just finish the last episode of Shokugeki no Souma, which is AWESOME. it’s all full-throttle Iron Chef-style anime competitions. I want a thousand episodes of it. It makes me both hungry and unbelievably pumped.


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