the Little Red Reviewer

Type-in + Author Signing + Give Away

Posted on: September 16, 2014

I do not think it is possible to cram any more cool bookish stuff into one day.  This past Saturday, I started my day at BookBug bookstore, for my friend Andy’s Type-In. Andy collects manual typewriters, at last count he has over twenty.  A Type-In is where a bunch of type writer aficionados bring their babies somewhere and show ’em off. And then there’s me, walking around typing up postcards and asking “how do I do an exclamation point? I made a mistake! how do I backspace?”   I was a <sarcasm>genius</sarcasm> I forgot my really cool postcards at home. Luckily, Andy brought some, and his had cool Type-In logos and bookstore images on them!  I better tell my parents to watch their mail box.

2014-09-13 13.16.24


A couple of hours later, I drove five minutes down the road to Kazoo Books for the Jim C. Hines and Tobias Buckell book signing!  I wish I’d gotten a photo of the table covered in Toby and Jim’s books, it was a beautiful display (and pretty empty a few hours later).

2014-09-13 14.54.54


Jim and Toby have known each other since the beginning of their careers, it was wonderful to just listen to them talk about the challenges and pressures they faced as their careers took off, different types of projects they’ve worked on and are working on, adventures in bookstore signings,  how “being an author as a single guy” is pretty different from “being an author as a Dad”, among other things. There was lots of laughing and fist bumping happening.   It was a wonderful afternoon. Toby signed my copy of Hurricane Fever, and since I already have signed copies of Jim’s  books, I had him sign a paperback of Libriomancer for me to use as as a give away! He even put a sooper seekrit message in it!

Woohoo, Give Away!


libriomancer big

This is a give away for a Signed paperback copy of Jim C. Hines’ Libriomancer, the first book in his Magic Ex Libris series (Book three, Unbound, is due in early 2015). Read the first chapter of Libriomancer here, and check out my review if you want.


rules are the same as always:

1. This is  US only give away. (Sorry international friends, and folks living on the International Space Station, but it just costs too much for me to ship you books)

2. give away closes a week from now, on Tues Sept 23rd at midnight

3. to enter, leave a comment below, and if I don’t already have your e-mail address, please include a method to reach you (e-mail, twitter, etc).

Cover art for Unbound. doesn't that look cool?

Cover art for Unbound. doesn’t that look cool?



47 Responses to "Type-in + Author Signing + Give Away"

Sounds like a lot of fun! And thinking about the manual typewriters brings back memories of my days in typing class. Yes, I’m old.

And consider this an entry for the book. You can reach me at bigorangemichael at gmail dot com if I should be the lucky one.


Love the “type in” idea, I’ve never heard of that before! I have an old typewriter in my garage somewhere, but it’s not that old. I have been meaning to read Libromancer, so thanks for the giveaway:-)


That looks like it was a fun event in a great looking space!


Sounds like you had a wonderful time at both events. I don’t think I’ve seen a Type-In advertised in my area. I’ll have to look into that. I learned to type on an actual typewriter. Ah, the days of black ink on my fingers from jammed up letters.

I actually made it to Michigan last year. Didn’t realize that was your part of the States. Next time I’ll have to hit up BookBug. I need to get back to the Airplane museum in Kalamazoo anyway.

Love Jim C. Hines’ take on the world. 🙂

k.e.ressman at


My first typewriter was one my parents bought for me when, in a panic, I realized that I needed to do a term paper in one weekend and the library was closed on Sunday. It looked nothing like the beauty in the picture, though.

Very interested in what that seekrit message in the book might be. 🙂 And so I’m charcoalgrin (at) parlainth (dot) net.


Well I can not turn down the chance for a signed book. I have read a lot of Hines. Blog posts, twitter feed, etc. Just never picked up one of his books.


I’ve never seen a type-in, but that would be a really nifty thing to encounter. Also, Jim Hines is awesome.


I’d love to see what the seekrit message is! tiff robbins @ hotmail. com


I did not know type-ins existed. That’s awesome!
Please enter me for the giveaway!!!

rookberg (at)


I am going crazy waiting for Unbound. A nice signed copy of Book 1 would be some nice medicine.

And even though I’m in the computer generation (granted, the pre-internet computer generation) I used a typewriter through my first semester of college. Granted, it was largely because we couldn’t afford a computer at the time, but I still loved that thing.

john.lamberth at yahoo


That sounds like a blast! It’s one of many things that makes me lament not having a bookstore here — all the cool events!

I’ve been dying to read this series. Having it signed would be a cherry on top of the sundae! Thank you for the giveaway!


Always looking to find new writers to enjoy, and your series definitely sounds interesting.


Woo! One of my favorite books! I love the concept of how he uses his magic!


Ah, you had me at a room full of books 🙂 Please enter me in the give-away; I’d love to cherish a signed copy of Libriomancer.


Jim Hines’ facebook pointed me here! I can be reached at ostipow at


I also cannot in good conscience turn down a chance at a signed copy of one of Jim’s books. Email address provided in the dialogue boxes needed to post this comment.


Love looking at the pic of the old typewriter. My first typewriter was inherited from my siblings and probably about that old. (Not that we’re that old!) I still remember how to do an exclamation point—a lower case “l” and then backspace and a period.
Love, love, love Jim Hines books. If I’m the lucky one, I’m at stricklandsheila at yahoo dot com


Just started reading Libriomancer and and enjoying it immensely! Would love to win a signed copy (and then find the rest of Mr. Hines’ books)!


Would definitely love that sweet signed book.

Contact is rockersformonotonerights at yahoo dot com


I’m a Librarian and a book reader and a fan of Hines’ diversity-positive blogging. I can be reached at yuricon at gmail dot com


Two talented authors, one fantastic give away!


I absolutely love this book. Granted he’s an amazing author


Me, me me! Oh, wait, that’s not polite. Yes, please, I’d very much like to win this prize. Thank you. As usual I at the same place here in Portland, same e-addy and all.


Um…a book. By an awesome author. Signed. We wants it. We will read it and turn the pages with great care while having a cup of tea or hot cocoa and brandy.


I actually intend to buy a typewriter myself! Can’t wait for the third book to be finished and released!


Big fan of Hines would love this!


Surprise! 🙂

Um, shrug…somehow I find I don’t have this yet…although I’m pretty sure I shared a picture of it (and others) from Powell’s a year ago…or was that two? Yikes! It’s a blur. An autographed copy would be awesome to win!

Be well.


i’ve been interested in reading this book for a while, would love to win it!


I’ve been wanting to read some of Jim Hines’ works!


This is one of my current favorite series.. I also just started reading the Kingkiller Chronicles by Pat Rothfuss. I like how the series is a break from the overly-epic fantasy books and you get to read something that doesn’t take itself too seriously, understands humor and pop culture and is just fun, while still exploring a fascinating magic system.


I love the whole idea behind “Libriomancer” and the way the book is written is so exciting that I was practically frothing at the mouth to get my hands on the second one. I can’t wait for “Unbound”. 🙂

I also thought I should let you know that I’m @jade_kadir on twitter just in case I win the book. *Crosses Fingers And Toes*


Sounds like a great event… I’m jealous! This series has been on my to-read list for a while now. I’ve read several very positive reviews, and I’m really curious to see if I enjoy Hines’ work.


I really like to read it


I’ve just finished Codex Born, so it’s great to know that I won’t need to wait long for Unbound. As someone who loves their magic and their books, the Magic Ex Libris books give me hope that one day I’ll be able to summon a dragon, a wand, and/or a TARDIS.

September 23 is my birthday, coincidentally, and a signed copy of Libriomancer would be a wonderful gift.


Oops. And I can be reached at c.kitty.angelo (at) gmail dot com.


Here’s my typewriter story: we’ve had a computer in our house since I was born, so my younger brother never knew what a typewriter was. One day my mother took him to the bank with her, and as she’s finishing up he tugs on her hand, pointing desperately. “Mom, look: she’s got a computer that prints the paper while she types!” He was in awe.

A title like Libriomancer definitely deserves a look: count me in for the giveaway (@Woodzette)!


That is awesome – I would have loved to go to the Jim Hines & Tobias Buckell signing. (Alas, the commute from here is a bit far.) Libriomancer and Codex Born were amazing; I can’t wait to read Unbound!

jkpekar [at] crosslink [dot] net


[…] to meet up with the Little Red Reviewer when I appeared at Kazoo books with Jim Hines, which she wrote about on her blog as well (head over to win a copy of Jim Hines’ latest […]


Thank you for a chance to win a copy of Libriomancer. I have been wanting to try this series.


I read Libriomancer after seeing some of Jim’s tweets and absolutely loved it. Having lived in Michigan for five years (with parents that worked at MSU), I had a warm fuzzy connection to the book. I haven’t gotten to meet Jim in person, so I’d love to get a signed copy!


I learned to type on a manual typewriter. Which definitely shows my age. Even the fact that I call it typing and not keyboarding. Oh boy. I’m just going to shut up now! Also, thanks for the chance to win a book!


Wow! Cover looks amazing — can’t wait to discover what’s between the covers!


This series sounds amazing!! 😀 Thank you for the giveaway!!


My daughter is such a book / novel reader and I know she would just love me to win this for her…so please….enter me!!!


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some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.