the Little Red Reviewer

Find your quiet place. and then start hallucinating.

Posted on: April 10, 2013

Silence is golden you say?

How’s this for creepy science fiction in real life:  The anechoic chamber at Orfield Labratories is the quietest place on earth. So quiet you can hear your internal organs.  So quiet, people start to hallucinate after 30 minutes in the room.

The longest that anyone has survived in the ‘anechoic chamber’ at Orfield Laboratories in South Minneapolis is just 45 minutes.

It’s 99.99 per cent sound absorbent and holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s quietest place, but stay there too long and you may start hallucinating.”

Read the rest of the article here. It’s a quick article.

When hubby told me about this the other day, I immediately said “I wanna go!”.  he said people hallucinate there. Now I really, really want to go!

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16 Responses to "Find your quiet place. and then start hallucinating."

Oh wow, now I really *really* want to go too!


sounds cool…can’t imagine the quietest place on earth!


My man read about this like a year ago and told me about it. He was fascinated. I think it would be pretty easy to chat with yourself and if you are naturally an interesting person you could definitely last longer than 45 minutes.


Wow, I live really close to this place, and have never heard about it before. Might have to check it out.


check it out, and let us know! they should totally publicize this place as a tourist stop.


Well, the challenge, should you choose to accept, is to last for 46 minutes – wait until RoT comes out – it’ll be the perfect place to read! In fact we’ll probably all be fighting each other to get in there. A bit of peace and quiet.
I actually live in exactly the opposite of the quietest place on earth.
Lynn 😀


I’m contemplating taking vacation time from work when RoT comes out, but now that I think about it, 12 hours in this place might be better.


Amazing how so used to background noise we are that true silence is not just incredibly difficult – but actually disturbing!


I love how many people hear about this and immediately think, I want to try! I don’t want to try this AT ALL. I don’t want to have scary hallucinations. Dreams already get scary enough for me.


Aw, all you need is a hit of orange pane … wait, did I just go back to 1973?? I’ve heard of these sensory deprivation chambers, and honestly don’t think it’s for me. But, ya know, send me a postcard from there, Red.


This reminds me of those sensory deprivation tanks. I’d like to expereince both of them.


Thanks for sharing- I don’t think I’d like this b/c I have anxiety and hearing my heart skip beats that loudly would freak me out! The most quiet I’ve ever experienced was during skydiving – not during the free fall which was very loud with the wind- but the five minutes after. It was very calming.


[…] Find your quiet place. and then start hallucinating. ( […]


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