the Little Red Reviewer

Calling all Book Bloggers

Posted on: August 8, 2012

hey you! Yeah, you with the teetering stack of books to read and the book blog that I read all the time.

I need to talk to you for a minute.

Your blog is an awesome way to promote the books you love. Thanks to you, my “books I want to read” list explodes weekly.  Thanks to you, I’m spending far too much money at the local family owned bookstore, demanding they carry the newest titles of my favorite authors, putting books on hold before they even hit the shelf. I’m sure you’ve done the same.

Bloggers.   Bookstores.  where’s the connection? 

Many of you already know about the rockin’ awesome project I’ve started with Elizabeth of Dark Cargo. Some of you have even already started participating. A few of you were even part of my little trial experiment a few months ago! It’s called Bookstore Bookblogger Connection, and it’s for bloggers (like us!) and bookstores (you know, those peeps we give all our money to!), to have a connection.

Ahh, yes, your ego? Let me feed it:  Bookstore Blogger Connection  (twitter handle @BSBBCnxn) is a whole new way to promote your blog, and to promote books you love. Check out the site for more details, but the basics is that we will be providing bookstores with blogger written promotional book blurbs for books they are trying to sell. And underneath that “best book of the year!” or “polished to perfection!” or “her best work yet!” will be your blogs name, in all its glory.  Looks kinda like this:

Facebook, twitter, podcasting, they are sublime ways of promoting your blog and your work. But imagine a kid or a grown up in a bookstore, who doesn’t even know book blogs exist. They’re cruising the scifi / fantasy section, and they see a card with a few book blurbs about a Robert Jordan, or a Cat Valente, or an Cory Doctorow, or a Jim Hines, and now, suddenly, they want to buy that book. . . and see what your site is all about. This is a whole new way to get your name out there.

But Elizabeth and I can’t get this party started without you. Bookstore Blogger Connection only works if we have a ton of reviews from a ton of bloggers, and I do mean a metric ton.  we’re starting off with just fantasy and scifi for now. Consider it our our labor of love for our holy trinity of books, bookstores, and bloggers.  We’re not interested in becoming another Goodreads or another bookbloggerdirectory. Bookstore Bookblogger Connection is something completely new and completely different. And it can’t succeed without you.

Get your name out there.  Help the indie bookstores that have been our safe haven, our providers, our second homes. Your bookblurbs deserve life beyond the blogosphere.

oh wait, you’re not a reviewer? you’re an author? No probs, tell your reviewers to send us their info, so we can help you promote your book.

aww man, you’re not a reviewer, or an author? you’re a bookseller you say? Boy have I got the hook up for you. All this book promo goodness that’s being brewed? it be free. But it’s got to grow wings and fly first, so give us a little time to get the data in, and then we’ll have a little chat, and I’ll hook you up.

Here’s a photo of the one of the trials. And when I brought it to the bookstore, along with a few others? they loved it. and it looked pretty damn cool too.

Sorry for the fuzzy picture. The lighting in their SciFi section was less than ideal that day.

71 Responses to "Calling all Book Bloggers"

Love love love this idea, I just need to get a few moments to go through my reviews and add them to your database. 😛


and thank you so much for the ones you’ve already sent it! have your site open in one tab, and BSBBConxn in the other, and just copy/paste to your heart’s content!

I gotta come up with a button or a badge or something for people who are participating, so you can have it in your sidebar.


That would be awesome.


this idea is just fantastic! also badges are fun 🙂


Good luck!


thanks, we’re working hard to make it a success!


Oh, wow – what a fantastic idea!


the tricky part is keeping the momentum going, but I’ve got a good feeling about it. 😀


Yea! Love this idea too. I have to go through my reviews and send a few snippets.


awesome, thanks! can’t wait to see what you send in! 😀


Cool! I should probably sign up for this though some of my reviews could do with a polish. Those I’m writing these days are longer and more analytical than my earlier efforts.

Thanks for the heads-up.


as I go through my earlier reviews looking for blurbs, I realize how much better of a reviewer I am now (that a tactful way of saying the reviews I wrote a few years ago pretty much sucked!).


Love it 😀 Thinking of adding more reviews to my blog just so I can participate! Best of luck with the endeavour


thank you! submissions don’t have to be from brand new posted reviews, or even brand new books. Go through your archives and look for some goodies. 🙂


I’ll make a point to add the reviews/blurbs for all the reviews I’ve done so far as well as to add all the others I do in the future. This is a great idea and I’d love to help.


excellent, can’t wait to receive your blurbs. Would be a massive, wonderful help if you submit something for all your soon to be published reviews! 😀


I love this! Definitely going to be submitting some of my fantasy gems to you!


We def need more fantasy.


Good luck with this project, I very much like the idea as I’ve mentioned a few times already 🙂


you’ve been one of our biggest cheerleaders! you got to DM me on twitter with your first name, because I”m always e-mailing Elizabeth with “Bastard (shit, i hate calling him that, I wish I knew his first name!) had this really good idea, we need to start doing such and such”.


Glad to hear you are still giving this a go. You’ll be seeing me on your new site, because this is a damn cool idea.


awesomeness! 😀 and yeah, we’re totally geeked to give it a go. who knows what might happen?


This is great, I’d love to sign up but I don’t think I read quick enough!

If anyone’s looking for something YA fantasy to read my work is online for free. I’m not a paid writer so I’d love loads of constructive feedback.

Click on chapter 1 and if you enjoy it please Like and share and follow etc.

In return I’m following you 🙂


you don’t need to be a quick reader, you just need to have some book reviews of scifi/fantasy books that you are proud of, that have a sentence(s) that you think would make a good blurb.


Oh, goshamighty, need to go back and take a look. Frankly not sure my reviews would stand up – would probably need some tinkering around with. So when you say sci-fi/fantasy – are you including urban fantasy and steampunk? YA?
Lynn 😀


[…] way for bookstores to find books to recommend.  See Little Red Reviewer’s announcement post here, and the official Bookstore Bookblogger Connection website […]


Hey, that’s a great idea! I’ll head on over and check it out. 😀


we’re having a ton of fun with it so far. or well, no so much “fun” as “this is more work than I expected, that’s FUN, right?”


I guess the benchmark is whether it’ll be fun when you look back at it. XD Much like blogging in general!


Fantastic idea, Red! And bound to catch on, especially in the wake of the Internet publishing paradigm. Readers look to the blogs for what’s good to read. Keep at it!


this is a great idea!! good luck and if I do find reviews worth submitting from my past ones, I will; if not, I will just write better ones to submit…
thanks for visiting my blog..


Thanks for checking out my blog! I Like yours too, so I will be following you! I also like the idea!


Thanks for visiting my “Orange You Glad It’s Friday” post. Sorry about your week….hope you have a fabulous weekend to make up for it.


This is a fantastic idea! I’m not really a book blogger—too little focus, but I’ll definitely keep an eye on it!


This sounds like a great thing to do and I wish you the best! Will keep checking up on it!! I don’t have much fantasy and science fiction reviewed yet personally so can’t yet be of much help.


Let me know when you include literary fiction! Great concept!


I love this idea, count me in!


This is an awesome idea! I’m already participating.


Love the idea!!!


Hi Sophia! thrilled to have you along! 😀


Just to let you know I didn’t read this because I’m about to take it off the shelf and don’t want to know anything ahead of reading it myself…


Wow! What an idea. Right now the holidays are keeping me busy, but after, you’ll be hearing from me. Like your comments and your ideas.


I’m looking forward to hearing from you on the website. . . after we all recover from the holidays, of course. 😀


I love it. Sign me up (or…I could just go do it myself…).


Not quite sure how to do this, (I am a little drunk, okay a LOT, right now. But maybe you could give me a hint? I have some SciFi reviews on my blog.

BTW thanks for visiting my blog.


ha, hey drunk friend! there’s instructions on the Bookstore Book Blogger Conxn website, it’ll make sense when you see it:


Doing this SciFi and Fantasy makes it easier for me, since I sometimes have a hard time deciding if a book is Fantasy or SciFi, and yes, once I looked at the website I understood. Thanks for your help.


Hi there. Thanks for stopping by at where I indulge my love of crime fiction. Your Bookstore Blogger Connection is a great idea and I’ll definitely post some reviews there. When do you think the Thriller/Mystery page will be up and running? – Deirdre


hi Deirdre! the Thriller/Mystery page went up the other day, so we’re all ready for you! 😀


Heard about this earlier, offered to review, got distracted. I’ll be sending some blurbs along from time to time. Or do you prefer the complete review?

Need I add to the chorus of ‘It’s such a *fabulous* idea?’ Ok. It *really* is!


By the way, I dropped by to say thanks for your ‘like’ on my ‘A Question of Titles’ post. Much appreciated.


Are you still doing this program? I have a blog on YA dystopian fiction and would love to participate!


absolutely still going! I even have a YA section now, we’d love to have your blurbs. 😀


I signed up to this a good while ago, but I should get myself into the habit of going over reviews for potential blurbs more often. It’s an awesome idea. 😀


and it’s soon to be awesome. . er.


so do i just email you the book review?


follow the link in the article to the Bookstore Bookblogger Connection, there’s super easy instructions there. You get to choose the best part of your review! 🙂


Absolutely going to do this! I am a fantasy aficionado and look forward to filling in my fantasy reviews!


thanks for all the wonderful blurbs! 😀


love this! I’ll def share on my blog 😉


awesome! thanks! 😀


Oh you are GENIUS! I’m so in baby yeeeeah


come and explore the site, I can’t wait to get your review blurbs! 😀



You just left a comment on my review of Gaiman’s “The Ocean at the End of the Lane.” I responded on my blog, but thought I’d leave the same comment here just in case.

” I can’t imagine you’ll be disappointed.
And yeah, I’m definitely interested! Do you just bring these blurbs to your local bookstores? How do you decide where (at which stores) they get displayed? And do I choose the blurb from my review or do you pick your favorite part? So many questions! What a neat project, though. Why should IndieBound have all the bookstore reviewing fun? 😉 ”

I’ll be checking out the Bookstore-Blogging Connection blog as soon as I’ve got some more time (some of these answers, if not all, are probably over there).



great questions! I love talking about that kind of stuff over on the Bookstore Bookblogger Connection blog! I think you’ll find all your questions answered on the about page.


I don’t know what rock I’ve been hiding under, but I just saw this and I’m SOOOOOOO tired right now that I need to re-read it in the morning so I can process exactly what you are talking about. Right now I’m kind of drooling and thinking, “this sounds SO COOL and I REALLY want to be part of it…” I just need to re-read it in the morning and absorb it. Great project. I wish I was this clever.


Sarah, I’d LOVE to have you participate in this! Get some sleep, and message me if you have any questions.


Wasn’t sure where to post this, but I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award!


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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.