the Little Red Reviewer

Friday Blog Hop

Posted on: October 1, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

Fascinating question on the blog hop this week!

“How do you spread the word about your blog?”

Like everyone else, I started out posting some reviews, lurking on other people sites. . .and then I got that first hit. and that first comment. and I discovered subscriptions and googlereader and tag surfer. . and it was a whole new world of how to find bloggers that were reading and reviewing stuff that I wanted to read, and review too!  But how to get people to visit me in return?

Post meaningful comments on someone else’s blog, and they will probably visit you back.  Book Blogs Ning, BBAW, Blog Hop, memes, all great places to find new friends and posts that spark your interest. Google search your favorite authors, see what sites come up that end in .wordpress or .blogspot.  I love wordpress tag surfer.  Post about China Mieville or George R R Martin? I am so there.  and I’m commenting on the posts. And I’m exploring the rest of their sites to see what other posts they have that look interesting, and commenting on those.   This blog is set to post to my facebook. I hit “publish”, all my friends see it.  I’m thinking about trying the twitter thing, but I’m not sure if I could put the time into it that it would need.

All in the name of finding cool site that match my tastes, so I can comment on their stuff in hopes they will find something of interest on my site.

Not to mention make my TBR pile explode!  Again!

23 Responses to "Friday Blog Hop"

Thanks for stopping by my blog…I’m constantly learning from other bloggers, and feel like I’m in a little cocoon in this blogging world. Everything else feels…almost extraneous! LOL


Thanks for dropping by to have some tea with me.

Your blog is cute 😉

Mad Scientist


Hi Redhead – You are absolutely right… it was your thoughtful comments that got me over here, and low and behold I’m finding that you are one of those rare breed of bloggers who actually write unique shit! I’m thrilled and I’ll be back. Thanks for participating in my blogger roundtable discussion thread, and I think you’ve given us the topic that will carry our next one… the line between YA and adult fiction.


thanks for stopping by! I found your site through TJ at D&R, she posts great stuff, you post great stuff, the round table thing was genius. . . . I’ll get some more Charles deLint and Tim Pratt up, as soon as I get all the other stuff up that needs to get up. 😉


I keep forgetting about the tag surfer… great way to find new blogs and interesting posts.


Cool blog. I’m pretty new to book reviewing and got here following your comment on my blog. I’m awed by your reading pace.


which is why today needs to be all about getting some reviews written and some books finished. no playing on the internet for me! Ok, just until i’ve finished my coffee. . . then i’ll get down to business.


Hopping back to say thanks for visiting my blog! Happy weekend 🙂


Hi there! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I used to do separate blogs also, but decided just to have everything at one – I tend to go through phases and that way I’m not neglecting my friends from one blog or the other 🙂


Thank you for stopping by my blog! I absolutely LOVE your blog name! ❤

I've been trying the Twitter thing more consistently, but I mostly just forget about it. I'm more for going to actual blogs and commenting on peoples' posts. Everyone loves comments, and sometimes they come to comment back! I've made two awesome friends this way, so that's mostly what I've been doing to "network".

Have a happy weekend <3!


thanks for visiting my blog! I’m now subscribed to your posts. I love Full Metal Alchemist! i’m slowly collecting them all on paperback swap


FMA is the best!! are you watching the new anime? i adored the old one, but haven’t had a chance to get into the new one much yet.


Oh gosh I still remember the day I discovered Google Reader! It was my savior because I could finally keep track of all the blogs I was reading! I’ve never even thought about using Google to find other blogs! Great idea 🙂


Hi Redhead, thanks for visiting me! Y’know, I am on Facebook but I don’t use it beyond the email function – it’s very handy for having six-way conversations with my family back home!

I’m curious about this wordpress tag surfer thingie.

I struggle with blogspot blogs though, because there’s no subscribe-to-comments function on them (or very rarely) so I forget where I’ve been and never come back to read replies… which is sad. I love the notify feature wordpress has, because when I leave a comment I do actually want to talk! 🙂


I was on blogger for years, then made the switch to WordPress. Now that I’m used to it, I adore wordpress, but the learning curve was killer, and the interface isn’t as easy as blogger.

all the blogging software only wants to advertise itself, so if you’re on wordpress, you can’t just automatically subscribe to any blogspot you want, and vice versa. good thing just about everything is set up for RSS!

tag surfer is great, once you’re signed into wordpress, you can have it search all of the wordpress world for any tags you specify.

wordpress is more complicated than blogger, but i’m happy i switched over.


Hi, thanks for hopping by. I haven’t done the twitter thing, I have an account but haven’t used it for blogging yet, I’m not sure if I have the time to really to make use of it. I do the hops and I’m working on content for a new meme. We’ll see if that helps:)


I hear you about making your tbr pile explode! I had no idea how many great things there were to read out there until I got involved in this whole world! I don’t know how I will possibly ever keep up. My pile stacks much faster than I can read it!! LOL But hey…it’s LOTS of fun getting to interact with every one! Have a super weekend!!
The Delusional Diaries


You know, someone just handed me a China Mieville book, and I LOVE George R. R. Martin, but I have yet to actually post a review on them… possibly because I’m wishing… hoping… craving the newest book, which I’m afraid will never come, lol!

I’m not sure what BBAW is, and I’d never heard of tag surfers… there are things that you do to that I hadn’t even considered, so I thank you for new things to research and find out about!

Check out my Blog Hop, Follow Friday and Giveaway HERE!


Helpful post — I haven’t used tag surfer but plan to try it. I haven’t used Twitter or Facebook. One of the other blogs suggested signing up for reading challenges, which I haven’t done before but I’m also ready to try. I’ve signed up for a Steampunk challenge and a female sci fi writers challenge. What I don’t love about WordPress is I have no idea how many people follow my blog, but I know I haven’t explored all of their features yet.

By the way, I’ve mentioned your blog in this weekend’s post on The Book Stop. Have a great weekend!


Hi hi! I wanted to check your blog out after you were so kind enough to visit mine! I’m glad I did too because I need some serious recommendations on books to pick up now that I have a little breathing room from my novel!

Tag surfer is definitely awesome and definitely tie your posts to the Twitter thing. It helps out tremendously! Facebook isn’t bad either! 🙂


Stopping back for a visit….hope you are having fun on the blog hop this weekend.


Just hopping by very late to finish up my hopping. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like your blog and how you write up your posts. I’m a new follower and can’t wait to see what you post next.

In the Closet With a Bibliophile


Hey there. Hopping back. I do know what you mean about Twitter. I am not on a lot and I don’t know how everyone else manages to Tweet so much!


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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.