the Little Red Reviewer

Posts Tagged ‘bibliophile

Read or Die – the title immediately caught my attention. The main character, Yomiko Readman is described as a bibliophile, and that caught my attention too. In an alternate Britain, 25 year old Yomiko Readman works for The Library, a British secret service agency that rescues stolen rare books. Known as “The Paper”, Yomiko is a talented Papermaster, she can manipulate paper to what she wants (paper-bending?). But, since The Library doesn’t pay enough for her to indulge in her book purchasing addiction, she also works as a high school substitute teacher, and she has to balance both jobs.

Her idol is teenage author Nenene Sumiregawa, and when Yomiko is assigned a teaching job at Nenene’s high school, she becomes a rabid fan and drives Nenene nuts. Yomiko and Nenene eventually come to a “leave me alone when I’m working!!!” understanding, but she’s not Nenene’s only rabid fan. When Nenene is kidnapped by a superfan who enjoys calling her Paul Sheldon, it’s up to Yomiko to save her!

Read or Die tries to be every single manga genre at once: slapstick action, fan service, literary, alt history, sex comedy, supernatural, suspense, high school romance. . . and you know how it works when you try to offer something for everyone?

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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.