the Little Red Reviewer

Here be book pr0n

Posted on: February 25, 2014

no book reviews or interviews ready.

So you get photos instead.  Here be book pr0n.

Broken Kingdoms Jemisinoh hell yeah! As a tease I had it sitting on my desk at work.  SO wanted to start reading it, but had to, like, work.  The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is the  only Jemisin I’ve read so far, and thanks to that book I will forever buy anything with her name on it.

Defenders McIntoshWill McIntosh has a new book coming out soon in May from Orbit!  Creative cover design of Love Minus Eighty and the unusual binding of this ARC leads me to wonder what incredible cover design is in store for the finished copy of Defenders?  And speaking of Defenders, I also have

asimovs april may 2014Which features McIntosh’s short story Scout, which is connected to Defenders. Also? I fucking love Robert Reed. I have an e-arc of The Memory of Sky which I can’t wait to start reading! And by the way, Scout made me cry at the end.

Hollow World sullivan

I’ve never read any Michael Sullivan, what does every one think of him writing scifi? This baby comes out from Tachyon in April.

Pen Pal Forrest

teh blurb:

“Em is a twelve year old girl living in a floating community off the Gulf Coast.

Kaya is a political activist in a terrifying prison.

They are pen pals”.

and how was I supposed to say No to this one? srsly, had me at “floating community”. I quickly flipped through the book, it’s written mostly (or totally?) in letters, diary entries, newspaper articles. Sweet.

King David Spiders from Mars

More tales of biblical horror? um, yes please. I really dug Tim Leider’s first anthology of biblical terror short stories. . .  because reasons.

attack on titan 1

The anime was a little too over dramatic shonen for me, but I do like the story and the world.  arrgggg, sometimes shonen pisses me off so much, and i do think it’s the pacing of the animation. makes me want to fucking punch the director sometimes.


okay opinionated internet – what looks good to you?

21 Responses to "Here be book pr0n"

Will McIntosh’s Defenders for sure…


i’m pretty much drooling over that one.


These all look so interesting! I loved Sullivan’s Riyria Chronicles and will be interested to see how he pulls his writing voice through into sci-fi!

I read Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and remember liking it, but not much else. I need to do a re-read and read on in that series stat!


Riyria is like 6 books, right? Yeah, looks a little intimidating for me. but starting fresh in a new series or with a stand alone works way better for my brain.


I have that Asimov issue too :). Excited about McIntosh. Also, love Jemisin, though I think I enjoyed her Killing Moon books more. She has a new book coming out later this year!


I know! super excited!!! and damn, Killing Moon is better than this series? how is that even possible? 😀


I am super envious of Defenders! I simply ADORED Love Minus Eighty, one of the best books I read last year. I am really looking forward to his new book.

And what’s this, another one of my top books of last year! Hollow World was great. Very different from his Riyria stuff which I also really like, but this one gave me more of the feels. Enjoy!


sweet! you loved Love Minus Eighty too! 😀 McIntosh can pretty much do no wrong. The Sullivan hadn’t been at the top of my priority list, but with everything everyone is saying about Hollow World and his fantasy, might need to push it up a few notches.


Really enjoyed Jemisin’s series – can’t wait for the new one to start! Also, really want to read McIntosh’s DEFENDERS. Sounds awesome. Still need to read his LOVE MINUS EIGHTY, too, though… So. Far. Behind.


yes,yes you do need to read Love Minus Eighty! Look for McIntosh’s short story Bridesicle for a taste of what Love Minus Eighty is all about, and you will be hooked. I think there is a podcast of Bridesicle on Clarkesworld? Or maybe Podcastle?


You know I am all about the Jemisin. I think you may enjoy Book 2 even more than Book 1.


if it wasn’t for you I’d have never gotten hooked on Jemisin. 😀


Nathan mentioned Hollow World on his blog. The crew there says that it’s more experimental and interesting than the Ryria books. (I’ve read a couple, they’re ok. Paint by numbers, but ok.)
Where do you find the rest of these? King David and space spiders? Shonen manga? For the record, I have low tolerance for the stupider parts of anime, but will occasionally indulge anyway. The wife goes through shojo manga like wildfire.


experimental is good, right?

I got good friends who hook me up. 😀

for the King David book, I’d found the editor’s earlier Biblical anthology a while ago, we talked a bit over e-mail, he said he’d let me know when the next one was floating around, and viola! Pen Pal came to me through another editor friend who is promoting a new author.

A ton of anime is watched in this household, we subscribe to funimation and crunchyroll. I tend to prefer the worldbuilding and plots of shonen, but the pacing and awful characterization makes a lot of it unwatchable. but the cute factor of much of the shojo makes me want to puke. I do find I can handle the manga books much easier, for shonen and shojo. I can read them on MY pacing schedule, skim through the scenes that don’t interest me, and linger on the scenes that do. Has your wife read any Ai Yazawa? Her Paradise Kiss is my all time favorite shojo, and I really like Nana (the one she’s famous for) too. I’m really liking Silver Spoon though, and I loved Eccentric Family. eh, i guess I should do a post on that stuff??


Translated reply: “Yes! I like Paradise Kiss, but Nana won’t end yet and that irritates me.” She reads less now, since it’s a wee bit less available than her previous life.
I have to take most anime with a grain of salt, since it’s primarily made for young adolescents and subject to TV limitations. There’s a few I need to get into more though, like “Monster” or the better Gundams.


I hear her on that. I got real irritated with Fullmetal Alchemist around volume 20, jeez is this story ever going to end? I’ve heard good things about Monster, and wow, can you believe it? an anime where all the characters aren’t under the age of 20.


Some sweet loot there. I’ll read McIntosh and Jemison without reservation.

I started Attack on Titan manga and anime (trying to choose one or the other). The anime is clearly stretched out and the manga Im just not sure about. I love the concept too much to give it up. I’ll probably stick with the manga because I dont have time or patience to sit through the still-motion dramatic scenes that keep popping in there.


already started the Jemisin, it is exquisite.

read Attack on Titan last night, and I like the manga better. I like the pacing better, I like the artwork better, you get better desciption of how their vertical gas powered sword thingys work. the manga works way better with my patience level.


I have both 1&2 of the Jemisen books and can’t wait to read them!
Lynn 😀


and I’m pretty sure I’ll be ordering the 3rd before I even finish this one.


I recently received HOLLOW WORLD also – I hope I like it as much as Mogsy did!


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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.