the Little Red Reviewer

Blog Hop Friday

Posted on: September 24, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

Here from the Hop? Welcome! This blog is primarily scifi and fantasy, with some magic realism, graphic novels, and other fun stuff thrown in. Have a look around, check out the review index, it’s all good.

TGIFriday! the end of a workweek means it’s time to sit back, relax, and blog hop friday! Today’s question is When you write reviews, do you write them as you are reading or wait until you have read the entire book?

hmmmm. . . a little bit of both. I’ll usually take notes while I’m writing, about foreshadowing, prose style, characters or events that really catch my eye, the story under the story, etc. My family knows when a book is getting the full treatment when I’m got a few peices of paper covered in notes folded up and tucked into the back of the book. Once I’ve finished the book, I’ll let everything percolate in my brain for a day or two, then pull out my notes, and get cracking!

A problem does come up when a book is so engrossing that I don’t take a single note.

how about you? What is your method of attack?

10 Responses to "Blog Hop Friday"

I review after I finish a novel. Have a blast hopping to/following new blogs!

Here is my post! I am a seriously eclectic reader! I follow blogs via google reader!


I envy you note takers… I have such a hard time doing that!

Check out my Hop here:
Book Blogger Hop, Follow Friday and a Giveaway!


Hi, I am new to your blog via the Hop! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog has a very nice look. I also take notes while reading. 🙂


I have to tag my quotes, so my books are full of tags by the time I finish!!
Thanks for stopping by. I will stop by again. Have to bookmark your site since I can’t follow.


Entire book. Has to be. There may be a twist at the very end which changes your outlook on the whole thing.


Thanks so much for stopping by today. I love the layout of your blog and how you can flip forward or backward on each post. Hope you have an excellent weekend!


I’m pretty much the same as you 🙂 I jot down any interesting tidpits about plot, characters, quotes I love, etc while i’m reading, and then after the book is finished, I put it aside for a day or two to let the story soak into my brain. Then I write the review. I totally know what you mean about a story being so great that you don’t even stop to take notes. That just happened to me this week! Finished the book last night and realized I hadn’t taken a single note or jotted down a single quote. Happy hopping 😉


I don’t normally take notes unless it’s for research. Happy weekend. Come see how I write reviews


Something always hits me when I am reading a book and I have to write it down or I will forget what I was thinking by the end. So note-taking is a must for me. I am a new follower from the hop. Come and visit me at


Just hopping by….

Stop by my blog if you get a chance for the answer to this week’s questions…it was my question that was chosen…pretty neat.

I also have a lot of review you may want to check out.

Happy Hopping, Everyone….hop on over to my blog to see MY answer to MY question. 🙂


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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.