the Little Red Reviewer

Recent reads and new goodies

Posted on: March 2, 2017

I’ve been getting plenty of reading done lately, now I just need to actually write the reviews!


I find I write best in the morning.  My husband thinks I’m crazy, but I love the time of day between 4am and 8am.   I get to hear the city wake up around me – the early city buses, delivery trucks, first shifters scraping ice and snow off their cars in the neighborhood, the apartment building creaking as the air temperature changes.  My apartment is up on a hill, so this time of year when the trees haven’t budded out yet I can see pretty far. I can watch the sun rise over the city and change the colors of the clouds. I can  watch the businesses across the street get ready to open for the day. I can watch the college kids run across the street to catch the city bus for their 8am classes at the campus.  I can watch the traffic on the hill go from a trickle to what passes for rush hour around here. It’s a nice time of morning.  Any those of you lucky enough to have received e-mails from me time stamped at 5am know I do some crazy stuff before the sun comes up.


But anyways, we were talking about books I need to review!


Kelley Armstrong’s Lost Souls is a forthcoming novella that takes place in her Cainsville series. I’ve not ready any of the books in that series, but this was a quite fun little mystery story.  I wish more authors would write short stories and/or novellas within their series, they are often very nice entry points. review is coming soon!


Binti: Home by Nnedi Okorafor.  When I bought this novella about a month ago, I told myself i was going to read the first novella, Binti, again, so I could read them back to back. Did that happen? Of course it didn’t.  I zipped through Binti: Home without digging out my copy of the precursor. So before I review this book, I’m going to reread the two novellas back to back, because that will mean I get to spend more time with Binti and her family.



I’m nearly done with Arkwright, by Allen Steele,  which means very soon I’ll have another book I need to write a review of. While I really like the overarching plot of this book, as a whole it’s not really working for me.  There is a lot to enjoy in this book, but a lot that frustrated me too. This is the March book for my local book club, so it’ll be interesting to see what everyone else things.


Because no week is complete without a stop at my local bookstore,  these beauties came home with me:


Spock Must Die!, the famous Blish novel, and Speaker for the Dead, by Orson Scott Card.  I’ve read Ender’s Game at least 5 times, but I was never interested in reading further in the series.  A conversation I had with someone last year got me interested in reading further, in learning about how Ender handles knowing that he is responsible for the destruction of an entire species.   And Star Trek novels are always fun brain candy!


the wonderful folks at Subterranean Press also sent me some ARCs:


The Unorthodox Dr. Draper and Other Stories by William Browning Spencer – contains short stories written over the last 10 ten years. Looks like there is some satisfyingly dark stuff in here!


Mightier than the Sword by K.J. Parker – I run hot and cold with Parker. But of these three, this is the one I am most intrigued by.


The Furthest Station by Ben Aaronovitch – I stalled out a few books into Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series, but I did enjoy the two or three novels that I read.


So, here’s to reading, and here’s to getting up when it’s still dark to fill my favorite hours of the day with review writing.


12 Responses to "Recent reads and new goodies"

I am a big fan of Spencer. Will be buying this when it comes out.

Have loved most of Parkers fiction that I have read.

I don’t read Card anymore. Too far right wing for me.

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I actually started reading Speaker for the Dead just a few hours ago. This printing has a short introduction by the author, talking about, well, talking about a lot of things. reading the intro made me more interested in reading the book. A few chapters into the book and I’m liking it.

I’ve done very well with Parker’s shorter fiction, some of the early novels I fell right out of.


I like Steele a lot, based on the couple of things I’ve read, but none of it was his recent stuff. Bliss doing Star Trek is always good.


Steele has been writing for what, a dozen years now? more? I’d be open to trying his older stuff even though this one didn’t do it for me.

and Yes to Blish!!! 😀


Huh. I am trying to figure out just what to say about Binti:Home myself. And I have read lots of Star Wars, but never a StarTrek book. Different geek level for me I suppose.


about Binti:Home, I know, right?? it totally did NOT go where I expected it to! I definitely need to read it again before I can even start to put my thoughts together!


I can see why Arkwright wouldn’t work for some readers because there’s a lot of characters and skipping ahead in time. But omg, I loved it! The ending moved me to tears. I hope it gets better for you 🙂


the very end was very, very good. But wow, so much arrgggghhh to get there.


Interesting that you’re feeling “meh” about your book club book. Did you ever feel just so-so about a book, but then feel warmer about it after hearing what everyone else in your club liked about it? Back when I was in a book club, that happened to me a few times. (It’s also gone in the other direction, LOL.)


oh, that’s happened to me a bunch of times! We’ll talk about the book, and it just blows my mind every time because people bring up things that I never even thought about while I was reading it. Sometimes I go back and give the book a 2nd chance and end up liking it, and other times, not so much.

lol, book clubs. the original social media. 😉

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Your description of the early hours of the morn is great – but I’ll live that period of the day vicariously through you – being a sleep monster I very rarely see the sun breaking over the horizon!
I quite fancy the Armstrong and the Aaronovitch books. Hope you enjoy all of these and look forward to seeing your reviews.
Lynn 😀


Good luck with your reviews. I’m looking forward to reading them.
The Science Geek


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FTC Stuff

some of the books reviewed here were free ARCs supplied by publishers/authors/other groups. Some of the books here I got from the library. the rest I *gasp!* actually paid for. I'll do my best to let you know what's what.